Monday 4 June 2018


Dinsdag 12 Junie 2018. 
(Handelinge 7:42-44)
42. "Maar God het Hom afgewend en hulle oorgegee om die leër van die hemel te dien, soos geskrywe is in die boek van die profete: 'Julle het tog nie aan My slagoffers en offers gebring gedurende veertig jaar in die woestyn nie, o huis van Iarael?
43. "'Ja, julle het die tent van Molog opgeneem, en die ster van Remfan, die beelde wat julle gemaak het om hulle te aanbid. En Ek sal julle anderkant Babilon wegvoer.'
44. "Die tent van die Getuienis was onder ons vaders in die woestyn, soos Hy met Moses gespreek het, hom bevel gegee het om dit te maak volgens die afbeelding wat hy gesien het."

Tuesday 12 June 2018. 
(Acts 7:42-44)
42. "But God turned away from them and delivered them up to worship and serve the host (stars) of heaven, as it is written in the book of the prophets: Did you really offer to Me slain beasts and sacrifices for forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel? 
43. "(No!) You took up the tent (the portable temple) of Moloch and carried it with you, and the star of the god Rephan, the images which you yourselves made that you might worship them; and I will remove you (carrying you away into exile) beyond Babylon.'
44. "Our forefathers had the tent (tabernacle) of witness in the wilderness, even as He Who directed Moses to make it had ordered, according to the pattern and model he had seen." 

(Ek vertrou die Heilige Gees van God om my van die korrekte Skriflesing gedeelte te voorsien elke dag, volgens u behoeftes en verwagtinge. Aan Hom kom toe alle eer, heerlilheid, krag, mag, majesteit, lofprysing, aanbidding, en danksegging, van nou af tot in ewigheid. 
I am trusting the Holy Spirit of God to reveal the correct portion of
Scripture to me every day, according to your needs and expectations. 
To Him be all glory, honour, power, might, majesty, praise, worship and thanksgiving, from now and forever more.)

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