Monday 4 June 2018


Woensdag 6 Junie 2018. 

(Handelinge 7:16-19)
16. "En hulle is oorgebring na Sigem, en weggelê in die graf wat Abraham vir 'n som geld gekoop het van die seuns van Hemor, die vader van Sigem. 
17. "En namate die tyd van die belofte wat God aan Abraham met 'n eed beloof het, nader kom, het die volk toegeneem en vermeerder in Egipte, 
18. "totdat daar 'n ander koning opgestaan het, wat nie vir Josef geken het nie. 
19. "Hy het listig met ons geslag te werk gegaan, en ons vaders mishandel deur hulle te verplig om hul kindertjies weg te gooi, sodat hulle nie in die lewe behou kon word nie."

Wednesday 6 June 2018. 
(Acts 7:16-19)
16. "And their bodies (Jacob's and Joseph's) were taken back to Shechem and laid in the tomb which Abraham had purchased for a sum of (silver) money from the sons of Hamor in Shechem.  
17. "But as the time for the fulfillment of the promise drew near which God Had made with Abraham, the (Hebrew) people increased and multiplied in Egypt, 
18. "until the time when there arose over Egypt another and a different king who did not know Joseph, neither knowing his history and services, nor recognizing his merits. 
19. "He dealt treacherously with and defrauded our race; and abused and oppressed our forefathers, forcing them to expose their babies so that they might not be kept alive." 

(Ek vertrou die Heilige Gees van God om my van die korrekte Skriflesing gedeelte te voorsien elke dag, volgens u behoeftes en verwagtinge. Aan Hom kom toe alle eer, heerlilheid, krag, mag, majesteit, lofprysing, aanbidding, en danksegging, van nou af tot in ewigheid. 
I am trusting the Holy Spirit of God to reveal the correct portion of
Scripture to me every day, according to your needs and expectations. 
To Him be all glory, honour, power, might, majesty, praise, worship and thanksgiving, from now and forever more.)

Once again many thanks to Alta van Vuuren for her continual contributions to my blogs. More powerful it can hardly get!
May God bless you richly Alta!

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