Wednesday 22 November 2017


Saterdag 25 November 2017. 


(Deuteronomium 11:19-21)

19. "En leer dit aan julle kinders deur daaroor te spreek, as jy in jou huis sit of as jy op pad is, en as jy gaan lê of as jy opstaan, 

20. "en skryf dit op die deurposte van jou huis, en op jou poorte,

21. "sodat julle dae en die dae van julle kinders in die land wat die Here aan julle vaders met 'n eed beloof het om aan hulle te gee, kan vermenigvuldig soos die dae van die hemel bo-oor die aarde."

Saturday 25 November 2017. 


(Deuteronomy 11:19-21)

19. "You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up. 

20. And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house, and on your gates, 

21.  "that your days and the days of your children may be multiplied in the land of which the Lord swore to your  fathers to give them, like the days of the heavens above the earth."

(Ek vertrou die Heilige Gees van God om die korrekte Skriflesing gedeelte aan my deur te gee elke dag, volgens u behoeftes en verwagtinge. 

Aan Hom kom toe alle eer, heerlikheid, krag, mag, lofprysing, aanbidding en danksegging van nou, tot in ewigheid. 


I am trusting the Holy Spirit of God to reveal the appropriate section of Scripture to me every day, according to your needs and expectations. 

To Him be all glory, honour, power, might, praise, worship and thanksgiving now, and forever more.)

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