Wednesday, 4 April 2018


Vrydag 13 April 2018. 


Alles dui daarop dat Lukas die volgende verslae geskryf het. 
(Handelinge 1:1-4)
1. Die eerste verhaal, Theófilus, het ek opgestel oor alles wat Jesus begin doen en leer het,
2. tot op die dag dat Hy opgeneem is, nadat Hy aan die apostels wat Hy uitverkies het, deur die Heilige Gees bevele gegee het; 
3. aan wie Hy ook, ná Sy lyde, Hom lewend vertoon het deur baie kentekens, terwyl Hy gedurende veertig dae aan hulle verskyn het, en oor die dinge van die koninkryk van God gespreek het. 
4. En toe Hy nog met hulle saam was, het Hy hulle bevel gegee om nie van Jerusalem weg te gaan nie, maar moet wag op die belofte van die Vader, "wat julle," het Hy gesê: "van My gehoor het."

Friday 13 April 2018. 
(Acts 1:1-4)
1. On the former account (which I prepared) O Theophilus, I made (a continuous report) dealing with all the things which Jesus began to do and teach. 
2. Until the day when (He ascended, after He through the Holy Spiritl had instructed and commanded the apostles, whom He had chosen. 
 3. To them also He showed Himself alive after His passion (His suffering in the garden and on the cross) by a series of many convincing demonstrations (unquestionable evidences and  infallible proofs), appearing to them during forty days and talking (to them) about the things of the kingdom of God.  
4. And while being in their company and eating with them, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, of which
He said: "You have heard Me speak." 

(Ek vertrou die Heilige Gees van God om die korrekte Skriflesing aan my deur te gee elke dag, volgens u behoeftes en verwagtinge. 
Aan Hom kom toe alle lof, eer, heerlikheid, majesteit, lofprysing, aanbidding en danksegging, van nou af tot in ewigheid. 
I am trusting the Holy Spirit of God to reveal the appropriate portion of Scripture every day, according to your needs and ecpectations. 
To Him be all glory, honour, majesty, praise, worship and thanksgiving, from now and forever more).

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