Thursday 21 September 2017


Donderdag 28 September 2017. 
(Deuteronomium 3:21-26)
21. "Ook het ek Josua in dié tyd beveel en gesê: 'Jou oë het alles gesien wat die Here julle God aan hierdie twee konings (Sihon en Og) gedoen het. So sal die Here aan al die koninkryke doen waarheen jy oortrek. 
22. "'Julle moet vir hulle nie bang wees nie, want dit is die Here julle God wat vir julle stry.'
23. "Ook het ek die Here in dié tyd gesmeek en gesê:
24. "'Here, Here! U het begin om U kneg U grootheid en U sterke hand te laat sien; want watter God is daar in die hemel en op die aarde wat sulke werke en sulke magtige dade kan doen soos U?
25. "'Laat my tog oortrek en die mooi land sien wat oorkant die Jordaan lê, daardie goeie bergland en die Líbanon!'
26. "Maar die Here het toornig op my geword om julle ontwil, en my nie verhoor nie; maar die Here het vir my gesê: 'Dit is nou genoeg! Moenie nog verder met My oor hierdie saak spreek nie.'"

Thursday 28 September 2017. 
(Deuteronomy 3:21-26)
21. "And I commanded Joshua at that time, saying: 'Your own eyes have seen what the Lord your God Has done to these two kings (Sihon and Og); so shall the Lord do to all the kingdoms into which you are going over the Jordan.  
22. "'You shall not fear them, for the Lord your God shall fight for you.'
23. "And I besought the Lord at that time, saying: 
24. "'Oh Lord God You have only begun to show your servant Your greatness and Your mighty hand; for what god is there in heaven or on earth that can do according to Your works, and according to Your might?
25. "I pray You, (will You not just) let me go over and see the good land that is beyond the Jordan, the goodly mountain country (with Hermon) and Lebanon?'
26. "But the Lord was angry with me on your account and would not listen to me; and the Lord said to me: 'That is enough! Say no more to Me about it.'"
(Ek vertrou die Heilige Gees van God om elke dag die korrekte Skrifgedeelte aan u deur te gee, volgens u behoeftes en verwagtinge. Aan Hom kom toe alle eer, heerlikheid, lofprysing, aanbidding, krag, mag, danksegging, majesteit en soewereiniteit tot in alle ewigheid. 
I am trusting the Holy Spirit of God to reveal the correct Scriptures to me according to your needs and expectations. To Him be the glory, honour, majesty, praise, worship, strength, might, sovereignty and thanksgiving from now, and forever more. 

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