Tuesday 31 July 2018


Maandag 6 Augustus 2018. 

(Handelinge 15:15-20)
15. "En hiermee stem die woorde van die profete ooreen, soos geskrywe is:
16. 'Daarna sal Ek terugkom en die vervalle hut van Dawid weer oprig, en wat daarvan verwoes is, sal Ek weer oprig en dit herstel,
17. 'sodat die oorblyfsel van die mense die Here kan soek, en al die nasies oor wie Sy Naam uitgeroep is, spreek die Here wat hierdie dinge doen.'
18. "Aan God is al Sy werke wat van ewigheid af bekend is. 
19. "Daarom oordeel ek dat ons die wat uit die Heidene hulle tot God bekeer, nie moet bemoeilik nie,
20. "maar aan hulle skrywe dat hulle hul moet onthou van die dinge wat deur die afgode besoedel is, en van hoerery, en van diere wat verwurg is, en van die proe van bloed." 

Monday 6 August 2018. 
(Acts 15-15- 20)
15. "And with this the predictions of the prophets agree, as it is written:
16. 'After this I will come back, and will rebuild the house of David, which has fallen; I will rebuild its (very) ruins, and I will set it up again, 
17. 'so that the rest of men may seek the Lord, and all the Gentiles upon whom My Name Has been invoked,'
18. says the Lord, Who Has been making these things known from the beginning of the world. 
19. "Therefore it is my opinion that we should not put obstacles in the way of and annoy and disturb those of the Gentiles who turn to God, 
20. "but we should send word to them in writing, to abstain from and avoid anything that has been polluted by being offered to idols, and all sexual impurity, and (eating meat of animals) that have been strangled, and (tasting of) blood."

(Ek vertrou die Heilige Gees van God om my van die korrekte Skriflesing gedeelte te voorsien elke dag, volgens u behoeftes en verwagtinge. 
Aan hom kom toe alle eer, heerlikheid, krag, mag, majesteit, lofprysing, aanbidding en danksegging, van nou af tot in ewigheid. 
I am trusting the Holy Spirit of God to reveal the correct portion of Scripture to me every day, according to your needs and expectations. 
To Him be all glory, honour, power, might, majesty, praise, worship and thanksgiving from now and forever more.)

Many thanks to Max and Andrea Lucado for this picture, excerpted from their book: PRAYING THE PROMISES. 

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